
Sankassa: Buddhist pilgrimage site
Sankassa is one of the Buddhist pilgrimage site which is rarely visited by pilgrims. It is mainly because of difficult access towards the site and the site is also not equipped with the facilities. Actually, Sankassa was an ancient city in the ancient India. The city was valued because the Buddha had visited this place. As the Buddhist traditions mentions, the Buddha returned to this place after preaching the Abhidharma Pitaka in Tavatimsa, right after the performance of the Twin Miracle under the Gandamba tree.
At present day, Sankassa is now known as Sankissa Basantapura which is located on the north bank of the Ikkumati river (Kalinadi) in Farrukhabad district of Uttar Pradesh, India.
Ancient Buddhist events at Sankassa as mentioned in the Buddhist texts
It is recorded that the Buddhist text Tipitaka doesn't mention any events in the Sankassa. However, the ancient commentaries to the Tipitaka mention that the Buddha returned to the Sankassa after preaching the Abhidhamma Pitaka in Tavatimsa. The return was successful only when he completed the performance of the Twin Miracle under the Gandamba tree.
It is believed that the descent of the Buddha was on the day of the Mahapavarana festival. The Sankassan provides three ladders- a ladder of gold, a ladder of silver, and a ladder of jewels. The first one was for the gods. The ladder of silver was for Maha Brahma and his retinue. The ladder of jewels was especially for the Buddha.
During the descent, the people could clearly view the nine Brahma worlds above the earth and Avici or Hell world below the earth. It is written that the Buddha was accompanied by the Pancasikha, Matali, Maha Brahma, and Suyama. It is also written that the Sariputtra was the first person to welcome the Buddha which was followed by Uppalavanna. It is also believed that after the decent, the Buddha went to Jetavana Monastery.
Discovery of the pilgrimage site, Sankassa
It is mentioned that the pilgrimage site had an uneasy access. Therefore, this may be the reason why most of the followers didn't know about the place. It was only in 1842 when Alexander Cunningham discovered this place. Later Anagarika Dharmapala of Sri Lanka visited the place with the purpose of spiritual quest. Panditha Madabawita Wijesoma Theo of Sri Lanka later in 1957 came to Sankassa for few years and he started a Buddhist school for the poor people. The school was named as Wijesoma Widyalaya.
Architectural features in the Sankassa
It is recorded that Emperor Ashoka installed one of his pillars in this place. He also developed this place. Afterward, the place was known as the elephant capital as there was elephant at the top of the pillar. Emperor also built a stupa and a temple commemorating the visit of the Buddha. The temple is still present in present period but the stupa is damaged and only ruins of the stupa are present. The temple found in this place is known from the name of Vishari Devi temple. It is believed that the name Vishahari Devi was given to the mother of the Buddha. Hence the temple is dedicated to the Buddha's mother.
We can also observe that the spot where the Buddha's right foot first touched the ground, there has been erected a shrine. The site is also equipped with three ladders of brick, and stone. It had been placed on these ladders to commemorate the descent of the Buddha. But in the present period, the ladders were nearly sunk in the earth.
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