Buddha Statues for sale
The statues of Buddha are the source of inspiration for everyone to develop the inner qualities of peace, happiness, good luck, satisfaction, compassion and truth in their lives. Everyone, the followers of Buddhism and the non followers alike, have utilized these images for many years to get inspired to have know the hidden truth of life within oneself.

Even the people who are meditation enthusiast find their source of inspiration in the Buddha statues to train themselves spiritually as the Buddha himself attained the enlightenment by practicing meditation. Not only this, Buddha statues can help you find the ultimate truth about life and the happiness that comes within it.
These statues do not only represent Buddha in his physical appearance but also represent the teachings of the Buddha depending upon the part of the Body in the statue. These peculiars traits may be the Ushinsha, eyes of the Buddha, Mudras, poses, etc. Each of them has separate meaning on the basis of the teachings of the Buddha himself which are the basic principles of Buddhism. These statues also represent the Noble Eightfold path and Four Noble truths and also balance, peace, happiness, wisdom, generosity and compassion, depending upon the type of the statue.
Along with spiritual and religious purpose, there can be no denial on how the Buddha statues can be useful in decorating your surroundings. The Buddha statues are taken as a gem of the collection for various art collectors across the world, especially if these statues are antique and rare. These rare and antique Buddha statues are hard to find, let alone collect. At the same time, the statues give a big boost for the ones who follow Buddhism and its principles, making the Buddha statues the perfect gift for them.
Buddha statues in our gallery
The Buddha statues for sale in our gallery are mostly rare and antique statues specially imported from Burma and other Southeast Asian nations. Our online Buddhist Shop is proud to have the biggest collection of these rare and antique Buddha statues. The Buddha statues in our gallery are completely authentic and you need not worry about the authenticity of our statues as we do not have any policy of dealing with stolen statues. We discourage the theft of such special and historic artifacts as the theft of such statues dishonors the history these antique Buddha statues carry within themselves.
We travel every few months in a year to Burma and other Southeast Asian countries like Thailand, Vietnam, Indonesia and other Asian countries like India, Nepal, China and Japan to search for these rare and antique Buddha statues. Our frequent visits to these regions have helped us create a wonderful relationship with many Buddhist art dealers, Buddhist temples, monasteries and countless personal collectors who wish to part away with their Buddhist art. The Buddha statues and artifacts we purchase from them are imported to our gallery in the Netherlands in a complete legal and authentic way. This is why you do not have to worry about the authenticity of the statues in our gallery and our Online Buddha Shop. Meanwhile, it has also made us possible to offer these pieces of history and spiritual awakening to be available for you in a reasonable price.
If you are looking to get an antique and rare Buddha statues for you or your loved ones, then feel free to take a look at our Online Buddha gallery at choose the Buddha statue of your choice.
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