Buddha statues for you

The statues of Buddha are not only the iconographical representations of the Buddha's physical characteristics, but they are also taken as the symbol of peace, compassion, harmony and inner peace of mind. These statues can play an important role for you to gain the extreme happiness by looking out and searching for the true purpose and meaning of life. These statues and images also carry an immense spiritual importance to the ones who want to follow the Buddha's footsteps or try to follow them.

There have been a lot of beliefs among the followers of the Buddhists and the non followers of the religion that the statue of Buddha should be given or taken more as a gift rather than keeping it for you. This belief is more of a myth than a truth. Because, for Buddhists, the Buddha statues do not represent the Buddha's physical traits, they depict the teachings and the principles of the Buddha, on the basis of which the religion of Buddhism was founded. As the Buddhists do not worship or take the statues as the god but they take the Buddha and his statues as a symbol of peace and inspiration for the compassion and focus they have as the Buddhists. Similarly, there are other beliefs which contradict the aforementioned myth such as the Buddha statues are more taken as the representation of the good luck and the inner truth of life. These statues are taken as the symbolic representation of the bringer of good luck, prosperity, happiness and compassion. That is why Buddha statues are a common sight in many places like restaurants, offices, homes, hotels and other public locations in many Buddhist regions in the world, particularly in Asian countries like Nepal, China, Japan, Burma, Thailand, Sri Lanka and many more. Only through compassion, one can ever be successful in letting go of life’s suffering. So, we can clearly say that the Buddha statues are not just for the gifts, not that Buddha statues cannot be taken as gifts, but they can be purchased for our own satisfaction too.
The statues also play a very different role for the meditation enthusiasts too. They take the Buddha statues as the source of inspiration while practicing meditation as the Buddha himself attained the enlightenment by practicing immense meditation. So there you have it, the multiple purposes of the Buddha statues for different people. Where can you get them? You are at the right place if you are looking to get a Buddha statue for you or your loved ones, the Buddha Shop.
Where to get Buddha statues
Our Buddha shop in the Netherlands holds the largest collection of Buddha statues and other Buddhist arts which are directly imported to our gallery from various countries in the Southeast Asian nations. This is the result of our constant visits to the region where we have been able to established wonderful relationship with various Buddhist art dealers and also various Buddhist monasteries and temples who want to part with their Buddhist arts. Our Buddha gallery boasts many special and antique Buddha statues which carry their own story and history. With our frequent visits, it has been possile for us to collect such rare and antique artifacts and present to you for you to purchase them in an affordable price. If you want to a Buddha statue or any kind of Buddhist arts like travelling Buddha, happy Buddha, laughing Buddha, Buddhist manuscripts and lacquerware items, feel free to visit our gallery in the Netherlands or our online Buddha shop gallery.
Buddha shop is an immensely proud online gallery to have the largest collection of rare, antique and authentic Buddha statues which are directly imported from the ancient Buddhist monasteries, temples and from the personal collectors of Burma and other Southeast Asian nations. Our online Buddha gallery boasts of many special, antique and rare Buddha statueswhich have their own history within themselves. These Buddha statues are collected after visiting the above mentioned nations every few months in a year. These frequent visits have helped us develop a special relationship with many Buddhist temples, monasteries and personal collectors who want to part with their Buddhist art. This has made it possible for us to get the most special and rare statues to you in a reasonable price. For more information visit our online Buddha shop gallery.
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